Tlamati Spirits

If you want to know more about agave spirits, contact us and discover the Tlamati Experience.
Saber y Sentir de Agaves


What does Tlamati taste like?

Tlamati has a wide variety of flavors, and each expression of the agave is unique. Since it is distilled in small batches, you will find subtle differences in each lot. Its origin in the rocky limestone soil found in the Sierra de Tentzo will allow you to perceive some mineral notes, a flowery sweetness from the patience and respect showed to the plant while it reaches full maturity, and the delicate balance that only a master distiller achieves.

Check out our Products to find out more details.

Is mezcal a type of agave distillate?

Yes! All mezcals are agave distillates. To produce the best mezcal, the master distillers follow similar, traditional processes (find out more in our section on Our Process). Agave used for mezcal is harvested, slow-roasted, and crushed to obtain a mash which is then fermented and DISTILLED.  Through this process a distillate of agave is created, which can be sold as agave distillate, mezcal, raicilla, bacanora, sotol or other regional appellations, depending on applicable Mexican official commercial standards.

What's the proper way to drink Tlamati?

· Good company is always needed, drinking agave spirits is a social experience.
· Have a jícara (gourd shell) or a flute cup preferably.
· Serve at room temperature.
· Don’t mix with lemon or chilli.
· Use your senses, it’s fun.
· Shake the bottle, look for the pearls (little bubbles) in the bottle.
· Put a few drops of spirit in the palm of your hand and rub it until it dries, identify the smoky note.
· Put a finger in the spirit, rub it with your fingers and identify the body (viscosity).
· Smell the spirit as close as you can, try to identify any notes you perceive.
· Sip a little bit of the spirit, keep it a few seconds, identify the entry, evolution and finish.
· Enjoy!

How many Tlamati variants exists?

We work with small batches, produced carefully and respecting the times of each Agave variant.

You can find the following Tlamati expressions: 

· Papalometl – Potatorum agave.
· Espadilla – Angustifolia agave.
· Tequilana Weber – Blue agave
· Cupreata
· Pechuga
· Buried

Where can I find Tlamati Spirits?

In USA, please contact
In Mexico contact us at